Published on August 29, 2014 By Aleatoric In Object Desktop

Just curious.

I've been away from things the last year or so, due to family issues and being pretty sick myself, and so just now decided to renew my Object Desktop and Wincustomize subscriptions.

The wincustomize subscription renewal completed immediately, with no issues, but I got some sort of error / informational message from the Object Desktop renewal. Don't remember the text of the error offhand, it was something like, 'we'll be in contact', or words to that effect (as a side note, I was still actually charged (pending) for the renewal).

What's the deal here? Are you manually approving / disapproving the purchase of Object Desktop subscriptions? If so, why charge my account before  said approval?

And, why would the Wincustomize subscription take immediately, but I then get forced to wait for the Object Desktop sub?

It just seems kind of odd, that's all. I tend to figure that when I buy something, and then get charged for it, I then get access to that 'something'.

So, what's up?

on Aug 29, 2014

Hey, Aleatoric...sorry to hear you were ill, but glad to see you back.

You should dash off an email to If you got a receipt or anything like that, attach it to the email along with the url of this thread. Sometimes problems pop up with different payment methods...generally to protect 'you' (the real Aleatoric) and SD from 'no goodnicks'.

I've noted the url and will try to get someone from support to take a peek. If I don't succeed, just's Friday and the Labor Day weekend to it might take a bit to get back to you. *Hoping I'm wrong.*


on Aug 29, 2014

Your order has been processed and is on your account now.

on Aug 29, 2014

on Aug 29, 2014


Your order has been processed and is on your account now.

Cool, thanks.

I wasn't horribly worried about it, this *is* Stardock, after all, it just seemed kind of odd.



Memorial Day weekend to boot

That could be a problem, I've been time travelling again?

on Aug 29, 2014

Crap...I meant Labor Day. Was copying your post's link to forward to Support. Ah well.

on Oct 30, 2014

object desktop manager shows no software and says subscription expired

on Oct 30, 2014
on Oct 30, 2014

Spud - We are working on this issue at this time. In the meantime, please download your software from your My Downloads page here: 

on Oct 30, 2014

Spud - This issue has been fixed. Please logout of ODM and back in.