I updated to 3.3i and I lost the wb.ini setting to allow wb to skin things like the display properties dialog, etc., on XP, and I can't remember it to save my life

As I was searching for any mention of this (unsuccessfully) I was thinking it would be nice if there was a comprehensive document available that lists all of the possible settings.

Does anyone know of one? I've found some pages that have a few settings here and there, but I couldn't find more than a few options. Of course, this information may exist, having successfully eluded all my attempts to find it.


on Jul 03, 2002
SkinDispay=1. Also try SkinToolWindows=1. I don't think there's any listing page - at least, not yet.
on Jul 03, 2002

Thanks! (now writing this on post it note for future reference )

I poked around on windowblinds.net for a while and found some of the settings, but that was about it. Of course, I was doing that at 3 am, so missing the obvious was a very likely event

Thanks again!